Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Different Addition to our Family


Close to the beginning of May G-Mom was bestowed with 2 kittens that were about 2 weeks old. Their neighbor found them in a wall of their house. Looks like when they learned to walk they strayed from the mom. G-Mom took them in (with the big heart that she has) and bottle fed them with formula. As young as they were they were a hand full. As soon as they learned how to use the litter box we took them in. You may be asking, "Why would you do that with a baby on the way?!" Well, I also have a big heart for pets and I couldn't stand the thought of a brother and sister being seperated after seeing how close they are to each other. So after crying on and off the whole way to Austin for Warren's birthday, we decided to "adopt" them.

I'm so glad we did. They are so cute and funny, and have even given us a little bit of practice as far as taking care of someone that depends on you. I know its nothing like raising a child but it is a good transition. Since I can't change the litter box my duty is to feed them and of course you know who (Warren) to do the dirty work.

It took us awhile to name them but after Warren noticed the "M" on their foreheads we decided Mimi (charcoal) and Milo (yellow and white) were approporiate. Their personalities are really different...although I would say both of them are more people cats than most I have had or run into. Milo likes to be held and have his belly scratched. Mimi only likes to be held when she hasn't seen you in awhile and then wants to be put down. She is also the picky eater. Milo seems to eat almost everything he can get his teeth into. They both like to follow us around have usually have to be in the same room we are. We try to keep them out of our room (since Warren is allergic...yes I know but he loves them too) but they meow like they are dying until we let them in. We still haven't given in to them at night when we are sleeping but we gave in last week to let them keep us company in the mornings.

Must be the pregnancy but I miss them during the day, they really have put a little extra umf into our lives.

Here is soon-to-be Abuela Bickley making a baby blanket...of course M&M couldn't stand not to be in the middle of it. So she made them their own blanket. :) They love it!

Warren and I have already spoiled them with so many toys...looks like for now they will have their own room in our new house (entry for that coming soon!). Kinda silly but we don't have anything to put in there anyway.


Tabatha said...


Well, since y'all are going about this family thing so backwards...are you going to get a plant next???


Layne & Chris said...

Oh my goodness...they are soooo cute!

Unknown said...

good lawd those are some good looking kitties!! =) I bet they are super curious about EVERYTHING!