Monday, July 14, 2008

Warren's 27th Birthday

May 30 - June 1

We went out to Warren's favorite place for his big birthday...Lake Travis.
But first Warren's birthday present from yours truly...a new golf bag! :)
So we headed out to a cove and everyone (but me of course) got to jump out off the rocks.
Warren checking out the drop...
Awwwwe, how cute...Ryan and Jenn
and Ryan...looks like it was cold ;)
I love this one of Warren just chilling...
That weekend was actually Kyle (Jenn's brother) and Ruth's (Bickley family friend) birthday. Jenn made an awesome cake...Dr. Pepper cake! It was delicous!
And me with the birthday boy
On Sunday we headed out wake boarding. Here are some of the crew doing their jumps. I mainly got Ryan cause he was the easiest to shoot.
I only got one of Warren cause I was on a different boat so it was a lot harder to take pictures.
For those of you that wanted to see a bigger belly...sorry but I looked like a beach whale since the only swimsuit I had were the ones from our honeymoon...not cute when combined with the new belly!


zhsy00001 said...

Looks like y'all had a ball.

Tabatha said...


Happy Birthday, Warren!!