Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Sebastian!

I got to stay home with Sebastian today...although his naps were off and made him grumpy along with his doc appt (4 shots) I enjoyed every minute of it.

He got to play outside with the neighbors.

Then after soom dinner it was birthday cake time.
He really didn't know what to do but I promise we have really good footage on our camcorder of Warren eating his cake w/o a fork so you can only imagine how much of a mess that made. I'm hoping this Saturday will turn out much better.

And a quick reminder of what he looked like one year ago...

Happy Birthday!!

Mommy & Daddy love you!


Tabatha said...

I seriously can't believe he's already a year old. Holy crap.

Happy Birthday, Seby!!!

Layne & Chris said...

So sweet!