Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Camping 101

May 9-11, 2008

I have never been camping and my darling husband decided to take me on my first trip...all while carrying his first child. We headed out to the Guadalupe River State Park on a Friday afternoon and Jenn and Ryan met us that night with Layne and Chris the following Saturday morning.

Our tent that Warren set up with a teeny tiny bit of my help.

Here is our friend the armadillo...
And the centipede...

Me taking a break after Warren setup the tent...

That night Jen and Ryan showed up and we helped them setup. The next morning Warren caught me not being such a happy camper because of the I told him "You try carrying another human body weight wth an already warm natured person!" I also wasn't very thrilled having a cricket keep me up all night.
Even Sarge got a a fan!!! Did my sweet, thoughtful husband get me one? Nooooo, fans are for sissies he says...he had a lesson learned.

When Layne and Chris made it in we headed out to the river...whew!

What an amazing invention God made...a cold river! Lets just say it saved Warren from taking me to a hotel. :)
That night we headed back for some good food!!!

Our head chef, Jenn
Layne and I enjoying the grub!

Layne and Chris doing there thing...looking so darn cute!
Not sure what Ryan is doing...just being Ryan I guess.
Overall we had a great weekend. We got to spend time together in the great outdoors...the big question now is, would I do it again??? Only with a fan and a thicker air mattress. Warren got to experience sleeping on the ground since I was too hot to share the space. It ended up cooling off Saturday night...of course!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You seem THRILLED about camping. ;-) The belleh is looking good! You have the glow going...or maybe it is from the excessive Texas summer heat!! ~Erica O.