Here is your warning...I (Nathalie) am going to get on a soap box for a minute so if you don't like what I say, get over it. :) This also means my thoughts will be all over the place.
A lot of people wonder why we take the extra time and effort to cook our meals and eat cleaner when we could be doing more "fun" things. Our long term health and making an investment for my family's bodies is extremely important to us. Yes it costs us more money, but in the end we see the savings not having to go to the doctor as many times and take loads of medication. Since Sebastian was born, 18 month ago, we have only taken him to the doctor TWICE (outside his usual checkups) for being sick. These days that is unheard of. No ear infections either.
The video above is only a snipet of what we should be looking into. This one has recently impacted me the most.
Read this to about see recent finding on high fructose corn syrup. Yes, in moderation is OK, as the commercials tell us...but have you thought about what it is all in??? EVERYTHING! So there goes the moderation people! Being a huge Food Network fan, I catch episodes of Unwrapped every now and then when washing dishes. It makes me so sick to my stomach when they start listing out the ingredients of the foods they are "unwrapping". Almost 99% of the time, there is some level of high fructose corn syrup. Our bodies just weren't made to digest corn very well, ever think about that? Gross I know, but think about it when you visit the throne next time.
Anyhow, I got to get back to work. I'm sure I will come back to this again.