Monday, August 31, 2009
I got a video working on my picture camera!!!! Check this out!!!! And yes this was taken today. :)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Hobbies - Part 2
OK, so I still haven't had a chance to checkout which cookbook but it is red and plaid as my mom stated. Actually, I'm lying...I did check I just can't remember.
The first thing to blame for my foodie ways is Ross...then Warren. When Warren and I started dating he was living in Bedford (in between Dallas/FW) and I was living with Michelle. When I would visit him he wanted to cook our meals. I was quite impressed and really excited that he liked to cook. Well let me tell you...I learned so much from those few weekends there. Don't put a hot pot under running water (warps pans), use sharp knives, and don't always cook on high are just to name a few. WOW, what a difference. So then my passion for learning grew. Warren and I actually learned a lot about each other in the kitchen...lots of funny quirks that we have.
Fast forward to our first few months of marriage (well we didn't have to fast forward too much I know) and we have a our big screen TV. Warren then introduced me to Food Network. I was hooked...or I should say now addicted. I thought it was so neat that people had such a passion for something that started to make sense to me. When you have family over the kicthen is the one place that everyone congregates to and feels comfortable. I love that! And then having delicous food on topt of that, awesome. I always loved good food but learning how to cook made me appreciate a few more things...the ingredients mother earth provides to nourish our bodies and the talent that people have on knowing how to make so many wonderful flavors come together perfectly.
We would watch anyone and everyone on FN, didn't matter as long as the food looked good. Then I sarted to feel connected with one host/chef, Giada De Laurentiis. Not only is she not bad to look at (which is understatement) but I loved her easy cooking and way that she grabbed my attention talking about food and how it brought family together. She got Warren's attention but her choice of clothing, but I am no one to judge, you got it, flaunt it!
Then I started to notice she had a gorgeous kitchen and dinnerware. Since my cooking addiction started with kitchen gadgets of course I was mesmorized by this woman. I have sense purchased 2 of her 4 cookbooks, made lots of her recipes and purchased a lot of the items she uses on her shows. I love her taste! Right up my (I should say "our" but who are we kidding) alley.
I record almost all of her shows and watch a few of them numerous times. She makes me feel relaxed and gives me confidence in the kitchen. I almost feel like shes an older sister.
Anyhow, my obsession over cooking has gotten out of hand sometimes but always wanting to make everything fresh and from scratch when I can. This is when my health side kicks in. It is pricey to eat healthier but I consider it an investment to your body since you are stuck with it your whole life. We have been trying to eat "cleaner" and lighter. We are also trying to lead by example for Sebastian. I make most of his food, thanks so C-mom's mothers day gift. I haven't had a chance to workout since dropping my baby weight but I have noticed that my celulite has been deminishing (not entirely as I think that is impossible, for me at least) since eating healthier and cleaner. So while this is all great, it is time consuming. So much so that I don't have time to take in another hobby. But hey, at least my hobby feeds mouths. :)
As for some other foodies, the Julie and Julia story has inspired me somewhat. Not to do what Julie did because that would just be suicide with a soon-to-be one year old. I will be trying to blog about certain recipes that I make and write about my crazy antics of trying to make stuff from scratch. I have list...I should post that on here and cross them off as I go...thanks Tabatha for giving me that idea. If you can put up with my random ramblings stay tuned!
I know everyone checks out our blog to see pics of Sebastian and since I have a hard time loading them up at night and can't post pics on my lunch break this is just how it will be sometimes. BUT, you can check out our sweet Layne's blog for awesome videos and pics of Sebastian...she is defenitely in the running for Aunt of the year! ;)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
So a few years ago people (or forms for one reason or another) would ask me, "What are your hobbies?" I couldn't answer that question before because I just really didn't have any or anytime to dedicate my little bit of spare time to. Even if I asked my friends they couldn't really tell me what my hobbies were.
But now I can...and everyone else since that is all I talk about! Most of you already know I have really taken on a passion for cooking. When I was younger (my days before college) I wouldn't be caught dead in the kitchen unless I was snacking on cookies and milk. So what brought this on? Ross, the "Dress for less" store. When I would shop there in college I would make my way through the house section and the cool kitchen gadgets intrigued me. Don't laugh, but I started to buy some because I thought it would look cool in my "contemporary" apartment. With a low college budget there really wasn't much decorating but there were some definite attempts and I think I did a pretty good job with all the hand-me-downs.
With all this cool looking cooking stuff I decided it was time to buy a cookbook and try out a few of my cool toys. Honestly I started to because I was embarrased when friends would ask me what certain tools were for and I really had no idea. Didn't think that my answer of "I just thought it looked different and neat" sounded very intelligent.
I can't remember the name of the cookbook but I can tell you later because I still have it. I tried out a couple of recipes pretty much picked from random. My family can tell you which ones they were because they had them a few times...I didn't have the confidence to try anything else since I did pretty good the first time.
I'm going to continue this story next is my lunch break and have to get on a conference call in 20. It will also give me a chance to look up that cookbook.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Warren's First Triathlon
We are obviously WAY behind so I'm going to attempt to play catch up in August and we are probably going to be all over the place.
Warren had his first Triathlon on July 12 and he did an amazing job! I am so proud of him. Everyone has been asking us how all this got was me trying to loose some baby weight (and Warren had a little bit too). So, Warren knowing I can't do it by myself with all the commotion going on right now he signed up for Weight Watchers online with me. We have now both hit our goal weight, but it is much more obvious on Warren.
In Warren's word this is how the Tri went...
Well I finished my first sprint triathlon this Sunday as many of you know and thought I would send you the results :)
Just some back ground on the race, this is any where near the length of an Ironman race, it's a 300 meter swim, 12 mile bike and, 3 mile run.
I finished #250 out of 404 people which I thought was pretty good ;)
I was #18 out of 20 in the Male 25-29 division and my times were 6:00 swim, transition 1 was 1:48 (which I feel is pretty decent for my first time), bike was 44:00 (this is where I need improvement I placed last in the division), transition 2 was 1:00 (yeah!), and run 28:26 for a grand total of 1:21:12!
All in all I was very pleased with my time, and can not wait for the next one in late August.
My BFF, Michelle went with me to support Warren and we made these really cool signs.

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