Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Baby B Update and Pictures!

We had a doctor's appointment last Thursday with a specialist and got some more photos, some regular and others 3D.

As of last Thursday, he weighed in at about 6lbs 3oz and the doc said he is a very long big boy with big feet. Everyone did say he looked super cute too, but then again I don't think they would say he is ugly...and if they did they wouldn't be very nice people and their faces would have been slammed up against the wall (the crazy hormonal preggo side of me speaking). Anywho, he has a head full of hair too! Wish I had a picture of that...

Here are his apparently large feet

His profile

And the obvious picture that we are having a boy. The nurses said the baby was having a great time flashing us so there is another "boy" picture below. When he gets older I can see him already saying, "Mooooom, please throw those pictures away!".

Here is a picture looking at his face with the big belly under his chin.

And he IS A BOY! (picture from the rear)

I love this one cause you can see more of his chubby face! I just wish we got the whole thing but it was really hard because he was pretending to be in the Olympics already.

The next two show more of his face but the umbilical cord is in front of this mouth making it look like he already has a mustache.

Overall baby is in good health! However, doc said he would be surprise if he had to see me again in 3 weeks. I'm caring as if I'm full term although I have 5 weeks to go so we are in speed racer mode trying to get everything ready.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Baby Chiquito is a BOY!!!

Thursday Warren and I went for an ultrasound and we found out that we are having a baby boy! It was by pure accident so...ah well. Now I get to work on the nursery. I still don't know what I want to do yet but at least I have a direction.

As for the story on how we found out:

Warren and I don't like calling the baby "it" so we would go back and forth calling him/her a he/she. Well that day we were calling him a "he" so the doctor assumed we knew since we were "right" about the sex of the baby. So as she is going over my belly with the wand she says, "And yup, still a boy" when she goes over the obvious parts. Warren and I looked at each other and just kind of freaked out without saying anything and then the doc was like, "Oh my gosh! Y'all wanted it to be a surprise! I assumed you found out since you kept calling him a 'he'." She felt really bad and even got a little teary eyed as she told us on our first visit she prefers for it to be a surprise. She kind of flipped out for a little while and we told her it was no big deal. She then told us it was her first time to ever screw that up for a couple as she is usually careful about that. We could tell she wasn't having a good day so we didn't make a big deal out of it. As we were getting ready to leave she tried to make us feel better (not that we were feeling bad, we were all smiles) by telling Warren he is a very well endowed boy. Warren walked out of the docs office with his head up high, quite proud. I couldn't help but laugh.

So we were a little sad about not having it a surprise on the day of but it was still a surprise, even though I had a feeling he was boy. But now we get to focus on boy names and cool boy toys! :)